What to do in Barcelona During the Holidays — El Clasico Trips

What to do in Barcelona During the Holidays

FC Barcelona and Real Madrid will meet for the first time this season on December 18 in Barcelona. The holiday season is one of the most wonderful times of the year to be in Barcelona. The city is lit up in sparkling lights and has many traditions.

Holiday Lights
The city dresses up many of its streets in colorful, holiday lights. Stroll around the city’s main streets and enjoy these spectacular lights.

Christmas Trees
There are several large Christmas trees in the city. Two of the most well known are by Plaça Catalunya on Portal de l’Angel street and by Plaça de Sant Jaume.

Christmas Markets
Fira de Santa Llúcia is one of Barcelona’s most famous Christmas markets. It has been held in front of the Barcelona Cathedral since 1786. The market is known for selling nativity scenes, Christmas trees and other greenery, Christmas decorations, and more. There are over 200 stalls to explore.

Fira de Nadal de la Sagrada Familia is located by Gaudí’s famous Sagrada Familia church. There are over 100 stalls filled with Christmas decorations, figurines, toys, gifts, food, and crafts.

Catalan Traditions
At the Christmas markets, you will likely find 2 interesting items - the Caganer and Caga Tío. Caganer, which literally translates to “the defecator,” is a figurine that is pictured squatting and defecating. Caga Tío is a a Christmas log that has a smiley face, legs, and a Santa hat. It is Barcelona tradition for children to feed the log and then hit it with a stick so it will “poop” out presents. While these 2 figurines are strange, they certainly do make for good souvenirs!

Lights on Portal de l'Àngel (photo by Carquinyol)

La Sagrada Familia

Caga Tío (photo by Ajuntament Barcelona)

Experience Barcelona in December

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